Our Memberships
Become a member of Armidale’s one and only Jockey Club. Experience the magic of the race with a front row pass each and every time.

The 2024/25 Racing Season
The Armidale Jockey Club will race 12 times in the 2024/25 season commencing on Saturday 14th September and with the highlight being the Armidale Cup to be run on Sunday 8th December 2024.
Don’t forget the Armidale Jockey Club Functions and Events Centre where you can hold a private function or public event. With a variety of rooms and facilities available the AJC makes the ideal venue to have a wedding, birthday, reunion or any other sort of party, big or small!
Membership Offer

2024/25 Racing Season
Enjoy the extra benefits of becoming a member of the Armidale Jockey Club, with our comprehensive membership package.
- Membership Card with the provision of a fully transferable guest pass (for an extra $20) that provides free entry to all AJC Race Meetings
- Allocation of 10 additional single use guest passes providing free entry at all meetings except Armidale Cup Day
- 10% discount on all drinks purchased at the bar
- Exclusive Members Area on Armidale Cup Day in the newly refurbished area above the jockeys room, overlooking the parade yard and amazing views of the races
- Right to reserve a table for up to 6 people in the main bar except Armidale Cup Day
- Entry into the Exclusive Members Tipping Competition on all racedays with a $200 cash prize to the winner. You must be on course to enter and claim the prize
- 10% discount on all non raceday functions
- Reciprocal rights with various race clubs as negotiated and advised